Speed matters

Google and Amazon show speed matters.

New Theme Again

The Spring Loaded theme wasn’t rending properly when I wasn’t logged in, which means it looked terrible to viewers, so I’ve switched again.

MongoMapper 0.7.0: ids created on new()

I upgraded to MongoMapper 0.7.0 the other day and found that an XHR form was no longer working. It turns out that as of this version, MM now generates an id on new(). I think this is a great idea (think about building associations–you don’t need to save first with pregenerated ids), but when used with form_for() the generated form id is no longer new_model, but model_<id>. Because the MM object responds to new_record? (alias of new?), form_for() handles the rest of this correctly. If you want to keep the new_record style id in the form, you can manually set :id on the form, or you can just set the id on the object to nil: YourModel.new(:id => nil).

3 Unix commands for finding performance problems – Effectif Development

3 Unix commands for finding performance problems – Effectif Development

fingernails in oatmeal, Metaprogramming: Ruby vs. Javascript

A very useful post on Ruby and Javascript metaprogramming. I learned a trick or two in both languages: fingernails in oatmeal, Metaprogramming: Ruby vs. Javascript

Tim Bray: Doing it Wrong

Tim Bray on Doing It Wrong.

Vineet Gupta: NoSql Databases Part 1 – Landscape

Vineet Gupta: NoSql Databases Part 1 – Landscape

Tim Bray on Personal Branding

After Branding

2009 Open Source Top Ten

From Maddox: 2009 Open Source Top Ten

Production Rails Tuning with Passenger: PassengerMaxProcesses

Production Rails Tuning with Passenger: PassengerMaxProcesses



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